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A film by Bobbi Jo Hart - Exploring universal themes of identity, dreams and family, Rebels on Pointe is the first-ever cinéma vérité documentary film about the world famous Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo. The notorious all-male, drag ballet company was founded over 40 years ago in New York City on the heels of the Stonewall riots, and has a passionate cult following around the world. The film juxtaposes intimate behind-the-scenes access, rich archives and history, engaging character driven stories, and dance performances shot in North America, Europe and Japan. Rebels on Pointe is a creative blend of gender-bending artistic expression, diversity, passion and purpose. A story which ultimately proves that a ballerina is not only a woman dancing -- but an act of rebellion in a tutu.

A film by Robbie Hart & Jeffrey Blatt - In the twilight of her career, Canada’s Queen of Disco, Patsy Gallant, struggles to redefine herself before turning 70, armed only with her determination, charm, and that signature voice that made her a star.

A film by Bobbi Jo Hart - An exclusive, behind-the-scenes documentary directed by award-winning filmmaker Bobbi Jo Hart, which follows the epic journey of the Canadian women's national soccer team for three years.

Un film de Joël Bertomeu - NI ROSE, NI BLEU... LA SUITE nous propose une aventure dans laquelle un groupe d’hommes se mettent littéralement à nu. Provocateur, dramatique, tendre et humoristique, le documentaire vous présente des hommes tels que vous les connaissez et les aimez: un père, un fils, un frère, un ami. C’est un regard qui vous plonge au cœur même de la masculinité, une incursion humaine des plus touchantes, dont vous ressortez transformé.

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A film by Martin Duckworth, Sergeo Kirby & Robbie Hart - A journey into the life of one of Canada’s great playwrights and into the soul of a man who has never stopped fighting for the causes he believes in. 

A film by Bobbi Jo Hart - A rare, candid look inside the world of classical music, I am Not a Rock Star (Le rêve de Marika in French), is a bilingual (French/English) film that follows the dramatic coming-of-age story of prodigal pianist Marika Bournaki, from age 12 to 20, whose life has focused on becoming a world-class concert pianist since the age of five. Her father, Pierre, a Juilliard-trained violinist now working in finance, has spent years encouraging her efforts and nurturing her career.

A film by Robbie Hart & Luc Côté - What are the universal characteristics we humans share? Robbie Hart and Luc Côté explore this intriguing question as they meet again with five people they originally interviewed 16 years ago for the television series Turning 16. Living in Jamaica, Brazil, Thailand, Niger and India, the five men and women recount the event that have marked their lives, revisit their past dreams and talk about their aspirations today. Turning 32 transcends borders by offering a compassionate look at the journey to adulthood around the world.

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